Additional commands to manage probe runs

See also Optical Fractionator workflow, Spaceballs workflow

There are multiple ways to access these commands:


Count By drop-down menu Right-click menu Result
  Revisit Probe Run

Enables you to return to the exact same counting sites if the same slide is on the microscope and the contour is lined-up properly on the image to mark more cells.

  • If you mark more cells, the results are modified accordingly.
  • This does not create a new probe run.

Exception: If you click Stop while revisiting a probe run, a new probe run is generated.

In the newly generated probe run, you can do one of the following:

  • Continue Probe Run: Continue visiting the sites
  • Mark as Completed: Skip the remaining sites

continuing the probe run Continue Probe Run

Available if you stopped a probe run (see above): continue visiting the sites.

starting a new probe Start New Probe Run

Uses the same contour but is performed over different counting sites since the grid is applied randomly.

  • Creates a new probe run.
  • It is helpful to save your parameters in Step 9: Save Sampling Parameters so that you can verify whether the parameters in use are correct in Step 10 in the Sampling box.

Use to count a different type of particle within the same contour, or to apply different parameters.

  Delete Probe Run

Removes the probe and its data from the program.

duplicating a probe run for audit Duplicate Probe Run for Audit

Redirects you to the previous counting sites while hiding existing markers.

  • Creates a new probe run.

Mark as Incomplete

Lists the current characteristics of the probe.

  View Run Parameters

Redirects you to the Probe Run List in which the probe run results are available.

  View Probe Parameters

Also available at Step 11: Viewing Results.

  Rename Probe Run

Enables you to rename the probe.