Stereology preferences
Automatic movements

Moves to the top of the section when moving to a new sampling site.

Moves to the top of the disector (3D counting frame) after the top of the section has been marked.

When the entire file is shown, the Cavalieri grid is superimposed on the tracing.

Draws circles around every fourth Cavalieri point.
Counting frame
See Counting frames and Counting rules for the counting frame

Extends the exclusion lines beyond their normal range.

Adds a center point to each counting frame.

When you are above or below the disector, the program changes the color of the counting frame from the default colors (typically red and green) to a single color.
Change the color with the Not in Z limit button on the right.

Markers can't be placed outside of the counting frame.

Markers can only be placed in the counting frame excluding the guard zones.

Change the counting frame colors.

Choose a color that stands out against the background for the probe shape (cross-hair, line, cycloid, etc.).

Choose a marker type that will help you visualize the probe's results better.

Displays all the categories in the left panel of the Sampling Results window. See Probe Run List

Controls the display of the planimetric variance details in an SRS probe; when checked, displays the covariogram values (A, B and C).

If this option is not selected, cells with no recorded values are blank.

Applies to the display of probe runs.

Since the Gundersen CE takes into account values from neighboring sections, it is only valid if 3 or more runs have been performed. This option keeps invalid Gundersen CE values from being displayed. It may be helpful to turn this option off during a pilot study to obtain a rough estimate of the CE.

Includes the number of counts for each sampling site in each probe run.

Lists all sections in order of their actual Z position.
Controls Systematic Random Sampling options.

Nested contours are closed contours contained entirely within another contour. When you select this option, the interior of the nested contours is excluded from the probe layout.