Counting frames

Counting frames are used with probes designed for number estimates.

2D Counting Frame

A counting frame (or disector) is a graphical projection used at each sampling site. It helps ensure an unbiased estimate by preventing over-counting.

You need to determine the dimensions of the counting frame before using probes (see Define Counting Frame for details).

3D Counting Frame

A 3D counting frame (also called an optical disector) is a 2D counting frame projected along the Z-axis. Its thickness should never exceed the physical thickness of the section to which it is applied.

It is used with probes such as the Optical Fractionator.

The counting frames are usually positioned as follows:

  • Their upper surface (along the Z-axis) is a specific distance below the top surface of the section.
  • Their lower surface is above the bottom surface of the section.
  • The region that lies between the top surface of the section and the upper surface of the counting frame and the region that lies between the bottom surface of the section and the lower surface of the counting frame are known as guard zones. See Guard Zones for more information.

Counting Rules

See Counting rules for the counting frame.


In monochrome mode, the exclusion and inclusion lines of the counting frame are represented by white solid and dashed lines, instead of red and green lines, respectively.