Sv-Cycloid Fractionator

This probe is similar to Cycloids for Sv except that the program guides you throughout the systematic random sampling process.

Instead of marking points and intersections on the whole region, you mark points and intersections in sub-fractions of the region.


  1. Use Probes>Tools>Define Counting Frame.
  2. Use Probes>Tools>Preview SRS Layout.
  3. Click Probes>All probes>Surface>Sv-Cycloids Fractionator.
    • The Counting Frame Size was defined in step 1.
    • The XY Placement of Counting Frames reflects step 2 but can be changed manually.
    • Enter a value for the cycloid.
  4. Click all the test points (angle marks) inside the counting frame and wherever the cycloid curves cross the boundary of the counting frame.
  5. Right-click and select Next Scan Site to move to the next site.
  6. To view the results, click Probes>Stereology results>Probe run list.


The calculation does not use a fractionator method.

See Sv-Cycloid Fractionator formulas