Probe Run List

Use this command to view and work with the results of probes. displays a list of all the previous stereological runs associated with the current data set.

Viewing the results

  1. Select Probes>Probe Run List (or click the Display  probe Run List button in a workflow) to display the Previous Stereological Runs window.
  2. Select a probe (or several probes) from the list.
  3. Click View Results to open the Sampling Results window.


Understanding the results in the Sampling Results window

Sampling Results buttons

Print All Results Prints all the results for the selected probe run.
Copy All Results to the Clipboard Copies all the selected probe run results to the Windows Clipboard.
Edit Shape Factor Displays the Shape Factor dialog box (see Shape Factor). To obtain as accurate an estimate of the Coefficient of Error as possible, use the slider to edit the Shape Factor which describes the shape of the region of interest.
Edit Mounted Thickness Use to adjust the section thickness.
Equations Displays the equations used for the probe run.