Spaceballs workflow >

6. Spaceball options


Spaceballs Options

Choose any or all of the following options:

  • Enter the Guard Zone Heights as Percentages (Guard zones):

    • Uncheck the box (the default) to enter values, in µm, for the Top guard zone height and Sphere radius. Type those values into the boxes.

    • Check the box to use percentages to define the guard-zone height, rather than an absolute value. Type the percentage for the Top guard zone height and the Sphere radius in µm into the boxes.

  • Use Hemisphere: Check the box to use a hemisphere rather than a sphere. Uncheck the box to use a sphere.
  • Center the probe: Check the box to center the probe onscreen. Uncheck the box and drag the spaceball probe to move it to a different location on the screen.
  • Choose one of the options from the drop-down menu.

    • Enter top guard zone and radius height: The value of the bottom guard zone is calculated based on these manually entered values.

    • Center the (hemi)sphere between the guard zones.

Focus Method

Manual Focus is most commonly used.

Try either of the Automatic Focus choices if you can count quickly.