Detecting and classifying spines (3D)

Detecting spines

Classifying spines

Once spines have been detected (automatically or manually), click Classify All to automatically assign types to all spines. Spines are classified as one of four types (filopodium, mushroom, stubby, thin) based on the default classification settings.

How are spines detected?

When you click detect All or click individual spines to detect them, Neurolucida 360 software does the following to detect spines:

How does automatic spine classification work?


See also Editing spines (3D) and Analyzing spines and synapses with Neurolucida Explorer

See tutorial: Detect, classify and edit spines (3D)


Dickstein, D.L., Dickstein, D.R., Janssen, W.G.M., Hof, P.R., Glaser, J.R., Rodriguez, A., O'Connor, N., Angstman, P., and Tappan, S.J. (2016). Automatic dendritic spine quantification from confocal data with Neurolucida 360. Curr. Protoc. Neurosci. 77:1.27.1-1.27.21. doi: 10.1002/cpns.16

Rodriguez, A, Ehlenberger, D.B., Dickstein, D.L., Hof, P.R., and Wearne, S.L.. (2008). Automated Three-Dimensional Detection and Shape Classification of Dendritic Spines from Fluorescence Microscopy Images. PLoS ONE, 3(4), e1997.