Placing spines (2D)

Before you start

  • Before placing a spine, click Spines from Trace>Neurons>Spines (make sure that Neuron mode is selected) and select a spine type from the bar.
  • Although the spine types are represented by different shapes in the toolbar, each spine placed manually is represented as a sphere regardless of the spine type selected.

  • For live-camera images: We recommend that you trace the tree(s) and place the spines associated with the tree(s) during the same session.

    If you traced the tree during a previous session: Be aware that as you re-open the software, you may place the reference point at a slightly different Z position. As a result, spine length data may not be valid. To avoid this issue, re-align your tracing in Z (before placing spines) by using the Joy Free mode and the Z filter in the Orthogonal View.

Placing spines manually

There are three methods to place spines manually: Two-click & single-click methods (for which you need to trace the dendrite before placing spines) and spine-to-tracing method (for which you can place spines while tracing):


To perform a quantitative analysis of the spines, use the Spines analysis available in Neurolucida Explorer.