Slide scanning workflow >

2. Set tracing magnification


In this step, you set the magnification to a level appropriate for creating (drawing) contours to indicate the areas of the slide to be scanned.

  • This is applicable only if you selected Scan inside contour only or Scan a rectangle around the contour for the Scan type in step 1. Setup.

  • Do nothing if you selected Scan in a grid... for the Scan type in step 1; this step is not applicable.


Adjust Microscope to Trace Region(s)

  1. Engage a low-power objective on your microscope.
  2. Select the corresponding lens from the Select Low Mag Lens drop-down menu.

Recommended approach

We recommend using an objective that is suitable for viewing a large portion of your region(s) of interest and tracing a contour around it. If it is difficult to distinguish the boundary of the region of interest at low magnification, however, you may need to use a higher magnification.