Scanned slide compiler


The scanned slide compiler assembles multiple individual image-tiles acquired by slide scanning using MBF Bioscience image acquisition software into a larger image that represents the entire area imaged.

The compiler has "batch" capabilities, meaning that if you imaged several slides and saved the output in a single folder, you can direct the scanned slide compiler to process all of the slide scans at once.

Before you start

Complete a slide scan with the option to Postpone compilation selected.

Compiling slide scans

  1. Go to Image > Compilers and click Scanned slide.
  2. A window titled Select the folder containing the uncompiled slide scans opens. Navigate to the folder that contains the uncompiled image tiles and click Select Folder.

  3. Next, a window titled, Choose the folder where the images will be saved opens. Navigate to the folder in which you want to save the compiled slide scan and click Select Folder.
  4. The Preview options window opens. Choose to run a preview of the compiled image before proceeding with the full compilation process or to skip the preview and start compiling, then click OK:

    • Preview images before compiling: Check to create a preview of the compiled slide scan. If you choose this option, the compile options are not available (grayed out).

    • Compile options: Available if Preview images before compiling is not selected.

      • Stitching XY: Stitching uses the image-tile overlap to visually align individual image tiles in the X and Y orientations. It results in better image-tile alignment and cleaner compiled images—we recommend using it in most cases.

  5. Depending on your choices in the previous step, you will generate either:

    • a final compiled image (or images if there were multiple slide scans in the source-folder selected)

    • a preview image for review—the preview image opens in the Main window along with the Slide Scan Compile with Preview dialog box.



See also Slide scanning workflow