Editing markers (3D)

Before you start

Markers must be placed in the Main window (see Placing Markers (2D)).

Click the Marker button in the 3D window to enter 3D marker mode.

Selecting and hiding/showing markers

Select markers

Select markers for editing using any of the following methods:

  • Select All: Click the button to select all markers.
  • Click with your mouse: To select a single marker, click it in the tracing window; CTRL-click to select multiple individual markers.
  • Hold down CTRL and drag the mouse to draw a marquee around one or more markers to select them.

Selected markers are displayed within a semi-transparent sphere.

Hiding/Showing all markers of a certain maker type

  1. Click the Marker Type Visibility button to display a table with the marker types present in the data file.

  2. Click a row in the table to toggle between visible/hidden for that marker type.

  3. Click the Marker Type Visibility button again to close the table and exit this function.

Hiding/Showing selected markers

Hide/Show selected markers by clicking the Hide Selected/ Show Selected button.

Click Show All Hidden to make any hidden markers visible

Editing markers

With Marker mode active, click the Edit button and select at least one marker to see the editing options.

Change marker display

Click the Show As drop-down menu and choose how markers are displayed. This affects all markers in the file.

Changing the marker type

Select a different marker type from the Marker Type drop-down menu to apply to the selected markers.

Changing marker color

Select a color from the drop-down color picker to change the color of selected markers.

Change marker transparency

Use the Transparency slider to adjust the transparency of selected markers.

Changing marker names

There are multiple ways to change marker names in the 3D window:

  • Click the Change name button and type in the new marker name.
  • Go to File>Preferences>Tracing, Markers section and click the Customize button; double-click a name and type a new name.
  • Right-click over a marker type in the Markers toolbar in the Main (2D) window and select Rename marker.

Deleting markers

Press the Delete key on your keyboard or use the Remove button in the Edit Markers panel to delete selected markers. You can't undo this action.

Marker sizing

Changes affect all markers in the file.

The minimal display size for a marker is 1 px.

  • In Pixels:The size is fixed and the same for all markers; zooming in or out has no effect on the display size of the markers. This is the usual method for displaying markers.
  • In Microns: The size of the markers is the same for all markers and is adjusted as you zoom. The markers are scaled along with the tracing.
  • Intrinsic: The intrinsic size for each marker is defined by the diameter of the circular cursor when the marker was placed; therefore the intrinsic value cannot be modified in 3D. Since this size is defined in actual micrometers, the displayed size depends on the zoom level. If you zoom out, you may not see the markers since they are scaled as small as possible. The intrinsic setting allows you to define a different size for each marker.

See also Markers (2D) and Editing markers (2D)