Using the mouse wheel

Depending on the settings, you can use the mouse wheel to adjust line thickness, focus, or toggle between line thickness and focus:

Recording line thickness

Adjusting the cursor size enables you to record the line thickness (i.e., process diameter) used to trace:

  1. Rotate the mouse wheel.
  2. To display the thickness of the line in the tracing window, click Trace>View>Thickness.


  • Click the icon in Move>Z axis>Mouse wheel focus.

This will disable the Adjust Cursor Size default action with the mouse wheel.

The easiest way to navigate in the Z orientation one plane at a time is to use the Page Up and Page Down keys on your keyboard.

Enable both line thickness recording and focusing with the mouse wheel

  1. Check Focus with mouse wheel in the File>Preferences>Movement>Mouse Wheel section to change the mouse wheel action to focusing.
  2. Rotate the wheel while holding down Ctrl to adjust the cursor size to match the line thickness.