Slide scanning workflow >

6. Region selection


In this step you choose the regions that you want to image if both of the following are true:

  • You selected Scan inside contour only or Scan a rectangle around the contour for the Scan type in step 1. Setup.

  • You traced more than one contour (region of interest) in step 3. Trace

the workflow skips this step if you selected Scan in a grid... in step 1. Setup, because it is not necessary.


Choose Region

Choose the region(s) delineated in step 3. Trace for which you want to acquire images.

  • Click inside a contour to select it for scanning.

  • If there is just one contour, it is automatically selected and no action is required.

Select All Regions: Click to select all contours onscreen.

Unselect All Regions: Click to release selection of any selected contours

Exclude nested contours from scan region: Check the box to exclude the area within nested contours from the image acquisition (e.g., to acquire a doughnut shape without the center).