Troubleshooting the encoder

Follow these instructions if Stereo Investigator displays the following warning message: 

The results of the encoder feedback test are slightly unusual. The stage controller may not be getting encoder feedback.

When your stage controller first turns on, it runs a detection test for a Z encoder. The Z encoder (a small silver box on the side of your microscope) is used to measure the focal plane (Z-axis movement). It is essential for getting accurate data.

Failure to detect the Z encoder leads to this warning message:  The results of the encoder feedback test are slightly unusual. The stage controller may not be getting encoder feedback.

The stage controller cannot detect the Z encoder if the plunger coming out of the Z encoder doesn't touch the bracket; the plunger should always be touching the bracket when the controller is on. Note that the configuration of the encoder varies depending on the microscope, and it can be upside down.


  • Z encoder for BX-51
  • Z encoder for AxioImager

Troubleshooting steps

  1. Verify that the stage is in working position, with your tissue in focus (a low magnification such as 5X or 10X is fine for this).
  2. Close the software.
  3. Power off the stage controller.
  4. Verify that the plunger of the Z encoder is touching.
    • If you’re not sure whether or not it’s touching, try to slide a piece of paper or a business card between the plunger and the bracket –- if it’s touching, you’ll feel the plunger move up over the paper.
    • If the plunger is still not touching:
      1. Use a hex wrench to loosen the screw on the side of the bracket.
      2. Move the whole encoder so that the plunger is touching.
      3. Re-tighten the set screw. DO NOT over-tighten the set screw! It should only be tight enough to hold the encoder in place.
  5. Power the stage controller back on, and do not touch the joystick for at least 10 seconds after power-on.
  6. Run the software again.