Status Bar

The status bar, at the bottom of the Main window displays the following information:

  • Left: Cursor position and size
    • Values for (X,Y,Z) reflect the cursor coordinates. X and Y show the position of the cursor relative to the reference point; the Z value reflects the current focal depth.
    • Cursor size: If you are using a circular cursor, size refers to the diameter of the cursor.
  • Center: Status information or instructions related to the current process or task.
  • Right: Other context-related information

    • The red Show errors button indicates that errors are reported in the Diagnostic Window; click the button to open it and see the reported events.

    • The orange Show warnings button indicates that task or process proceeded, but warning information is available in the the Diagnostic Window; click the button to open it and see the reported events.

    • The dark Show errors button indicates that previously viewed diagnostics information is available for the current Stereo Investigator software session. Click the button to open the Diagnostics window.

    • When viewing a live-camera image from your microscope, the microscope icon is displayed.

    • The zoom level and the micron to pixel ratio for the current view of captured images is indicated.