Detect cells

You can automatically detect, count and map cells in virtual slides.


  1. Load a virtual slide.
  2. Click Trace>Automatic>Detect cells to open the Cell Detector window.
  3. If you loaded a single image, select Use Full Image or Use Region(s) of Interest under Detection Space.

    If you loaded a stack or an image in virtual mode, the full image and ROI options are disabled. Instead, apply the detection to all the planes, a series of adjacent planes, or the current plane. If you check Current plane only, detection will only apply to that plane.

  4. Adjust the Run Parameters and select a channel. To use presets : See Automatic Object Detection/Presets
  5. Under Image Type, select the appropriate type.
  6. Click Preview and make the necessary adjustments for the run parameters and sensitivity then click Preview again.
  7. Click Detect once you're satisfied with the preview. Detection may take several minutes.
  8. Single images only: You can see the results of the detection and the contour measurements.
  9. Click OK; markers indicate the cells detected.


The Cell Detector uses adaptive thresholding for the removal of background noise and features multi-scale Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) filtering for detecting cells with different sizes in images to reduce the false negative rate.