Adjust XY scaling

Use Adjust Scaling to change the scaling factor for the X and Y axes and correct for shrinkage.


To apply shrinkage correction to the Z axis, see Shrinkage Correction.

  1. Click Trace > Tools dropdown> Adjust XY scaling.
  2. In the Adjust Scaling window, type a value for the X and Y axes or use the arrow buttons to make adjustments.

    To see changes as you make them, check Dynamically Update. Also Adjust Imagesapplies the factor to images.

  3. Click OK to apply the changes or click Restore to return to the original values.


To apply to the current section only:

  1. Click Trace > Sections>Serial Section Manager .
  2. In the Serial Section Manager, click the icon "Show current section."
  3. Click Trace > Tools dropdown>Adjust XY scaling.


Also see Correcting for an upside-down section while tracing, Flipping a single section with a completed tracing