Convex Hull analysis

Use this analysis to measure the size of a neuronal dendritic field.

The program measures the size of the dendritic field by interpreting a branched structure as a solid object controlling a given amount of physical space. The amount of physical space is defined in terms of volume, surface area, area, and/or perimeter.

There are two options:


  1. Open the data file.
  2. Select the structures to analyze (see Selecting structures).
  3. Select Analyze>Convex Hull to display the Convex Hull Analysis window.
  4. Select the desired metrics. Check Visualize surfaceto view the hull in the graphical window.


To analyze individual trees, select the trees individually and perform a separate Convex Hull analysis for each tree.


Rodieck, R. W. (1973). The vertebrate retina: Principles of structure and function. Oxford, England: W. H. Freeman.