Convex Hull analysis

Vessel reconstruction and analysis is available with the Neurolucida 360 Ultra package only. Click here for more information.


Use Convex Hull Analysis to measure the size of a neuronal dendritic field or microvascular network.

Neurolucida Explorer measures the size of the dendritic field or microvascular network by interpreting a branched structure as a solid object controlling a given amount of physical space. The amount of physical space is defined in terms of volume, surface area, area, and/or perimeter.

Analysis options


Each Neuron Set Individually: If the data include sets of modeled structures, check the box to report on each set individually.

Each Tree Individually: Check the box to report on each tree individually.

Cell Bodies: Check the box to include a report on selected cell bodies.

Each Vessel Individually: Check the box to report on each vessel individually, rather than on selected vessels collectively.

Vessel Structures

Each vessel individually: Check the box to report on each vessel individually, rather than on selected vessels collectively.

All Selected Objects

Choose the type of convex hull analysis to run on the selected objects:

Convex Hull 3D: A convex polygon is generated by connecting the tips of the distal branches or vessel segments. The volume and surface area of the polygon are reported.

Another way to think about the analysis is to imagine a plastic sheet wrapped around the selected structure(s), with the plastic stretched tightly between the most distal points of adjacent processes or vessel segments. The Volume encased by the sheet is calculated, and the Surface area is reported as well. The Feret min and Feret max reported are the shortest and longest end-to-end distance in the convex hull respectively.

XY Area Convex Hull: This 2D analysis treats selected tracings as planar shapes and calculates the area enclosed by a "rubber band" around them. It is performed on a projection of the data.

  • Z information is not used in the Area reported.

  • The Perimeter reported is the distance around the most distal points that form the convex hull (length of the "rubber band")

Visualize surface checkbox: Check the box to view the hull that is drawn in the graphical window.


  1. Open the data file.
  2. Select the structures to analyze (see Selecting structures).
  3. Select Convex Hull Analysis from the SPatial drop-down menu on the Analyze ribbon. Neurolucida Explorer opens the Convex Hull Analysis window.
  4. Select the desired parameters and click OK to run the convex hull analysis.


Rodieck, R. W. (1973). The vertebrate retina: Principles of structure and function. Oxford, England: W. H. Freeman.