Ortho View

If you are working in 3D, Trace>View>Ortho View is a useful supplement to the standard view as it enables you to view your tracing from the side, along the XZ axes or the YZ axes . The standard view used in our software is a top-down perspective along the X and Y axes. This is the view displayed in the Tracing window and in the Macro View window.


Zoom in | Zoom out | Zoom to fit (fits the entire tracing in the Orthogonal View window)
  • Click on a point you want to see in the center of the Orthogonal View window.
  • Select one of these two icons to view your tracing along the XZ or YZ axis.

Useful when a tracing becomes cluttered in the viewing field, with tracings of neuronal elements with different Z coordinates overlaying one another.

Only displays the area within the range you defined. The range is defined symmetrically, which means that the current Z is defined as the mid-range; half of the range is above the current Z, half of the range is below the current Z.

Example: If Z=0 and Range=100, the range is between Z=-50.0 and Z=50.0.

The range is highlighted in green on the right. You can adjust it manually by dragging the arrows.