Network Licensing Overview
This is relevant for SPARC researchers.
Network licensing allows users to connect to a server that determines whether their access should be granted based on credentials and seat availability. The server provides a set number of simultaneous points of access (seats) available to all users with access to the server.
Network licensing allows users with access to a server to download and license any number of computers. You can work on your laptop at home, a workstation in your lab, or a powerful machine in your imaging core facility as long as there are seats available. It also provides an affordable solution for universities and image cores to purchase licenses that can be shared with a number of labs.
Using your network license
There are three steps:
Installing MBF Bioscience software
Log in to the MBF Bioscience Download Center.
In the Downloads tab, click the name of the software you would like to install.
Click the file name of the most recent version to start your download.
Once your download is complete, run the executable to begin your installation. Follow the steps to install your software.
- Enabling your network license
To enable your network license, email A staff member will provide you with your network license.
Launching your software
Double-click the software icon on your desktop to launch the corresponding software. Your software should be licensed; it will open if a license is available.
When you open multiple instances of the program, you use multiple licenses (i.e., seats).
Do not share your network license installer with others. There are only a set number of seats available for your server. If you are concerned about the security of your network licensing solution, please contact an MBF support representative to discuss potential solutions.
You may have trouble connecting to the server or obtaining a license. See our suggestions below for help.
Here are a few tips if you see this message: “The requested License Server was not found.”
- Verify that you have internet access.
- Disable your Windows firewall.
- Contact an MBF support representative to help troubleshoot your connection failure.
You may attempt to launch the software and see this alert: “Waiting for a license.”
This happens when all the licenses available to users with access are already in use. When the server has determined that there is no license available, it adds you to a queue to wait for the next available license.
- When a license is released by another user and you are first in the queue, the program launches.
- If you don't want to wait, click cancel; this will close the program.
While the server continues its attempts to obtain a license, messages are updated in the window to reflect the status of the attempt:
- "Waiting for a license. Your position in the queue is XX": If your position is "2" then there is one person waiting before you; if your position is "1" then you are first in the queue.
- "Reconnecting...": Reconnects to the network license server.
You may attempt to launch the software and see this alert: “Waiting for a license because: AUTHORIZATION TIME RUNOUT.”
This happens when your network license has expired. Contact us at to renew your license.