FiJi (ImageJ) users: Saving large files for compatibility with MBF Bioscience software

To save image stacks larger than ~4GB in Fiji in a format that is compatible with Neurolucida 360 software, use one of the two methods described below.

If you don't save your large files using one of these methods, you won't be able to use them in Neurolucida 360 software.

Plugin method

  1. In Fiji, select Plugins>Bio-Formats>Bio-Formats exporter.
  2. In the Bio-Formats exporter window:
    • Next to Files of Type, select the type that includes *.btf in the list.
    • File name: make sure you type the .btf extension. Your files will be saved in a new folder using a TIF format that Neurolucida 360 can read.

Image sequence method

  1. In Fiji, select File>Save as>Image sequence and save your stack.
  2. In the Save Image Sequence window, select the .TIFF or .JPEG format to generate a series of files that Neurolucida 360 can read.