

The post-processing options are useful to enhance the graphic display of the modeled structures for publication. These options only apply while the Post-processing panel is active. Your data will not be affected.


  1. Click the Post-Processing button in the 3D window; options and actions for post-processing will be displayed.

  2. Choose the Post-Processing options you want to employ by checking the boxes:

    Smooth joins between somas and trees: Joins somas and adjacent trees; once a soma is visually connected to the corresponding trees/branches, the entire tree is shown in a single color.

    Smooth somas: Available when somas are modeled with more than one contour.

    Smooth tree branches: Softens the lines and caps the tree ends.

  3. Apply and/or take a snapshot of your model

    • Apply Options: Click to apply the selected post-processing options. When complete, the changes are displayed.

    • Take Snapshot: Click to capture an image of the model. You'll be prompted for a filename and location to save your file.