Preferences: Spines

Access spine preferences from File > Preferences > Tracing > Spines

  • Display Style: Modify colors using the color pickers and shape using the drop-down menus (hollow or filled circle).

    Click Reset to revert to system defaults

  • Show spine volume if available: Check or clear the checkbox to display/hide spine volumes if they are available. When checked, the volumes of spine heads are calculated.

    Choose your preferred style for default spine-volume display in the Main window by clicking one of the radio buttons.

  • Shaft Style: Select your preferred style from the drop-down menu.

  • Anchor Point

    • Use closest branch point: Select to attach the spine to the branch point nearest to where you clicked.

    • Insert new connection point if no existing point within this distance: Inserts a new branch point if needed.

  • One-shot spine placement: Returns to the manual Tracing mode automatically (i.e., the cursor blinks at the most recent branch point) upon placing one spine.