Preferences: Display

Interface theme

The NeuroInfo software user interface includes light and dark themes, designed for brightfield and fluorescence images, respectively.

Select the software-interface theme you prefer from the drop-down menu.

Tracing window

  • Reference point radius (1-24): Set the size (in pixels) for the reference point by typing into the box or clicking the up/down arrows.

  • Show grid: Displays a rectangular grid overlay; its size is defined by Grid Spacing.

    Displaying the grid may be useful for: checking lens calibration and visually dividing a region into fixed areas for further analysis.

    The grid is anchored at the reference point and moves along with the tracing as the tracing and stage are moved.

    Grid preferences

    • Bright grid: Displays grid at maximum brightness. Use when the slide illumination levels are high. The default is medium brightness.

    • Turn grid on in Where Is mode: Displays grid when an aerial viewing mode is selected. Disable this option if the grid display is too dense when using Go To or Where Is.

    • Show grid labels for each cell: Displays the coordinates of the grid.

      • A0 is the coordinate of the reference point.
      • Letters go in alphabetical order to the right of the reference point, and numbers increase below the reference point.
      • Grid intersections to the left of the reference point are listed with negative letters.
      • Intersections above the reference point are listed with negative numbers.
    • Grid spacing (µm): Sets the dimensions of the grid.

      • When you change the objective from one magnification to another, the grid changes size accordingly.
      • At low magnifications, the grid can become so dense that the entire screen is covered with nothing but grid lines. The program prevents this by automatically turning off the grid when the spacing between grid lines drops below 4 pixels.
  • Show screen center mark: Displays a special marker at the center of the image.

    • For optical lenses, this is the center of the screen.
    • For video images, this is the center of the video image.
    • For images from bitmapped files, this is the center of the image, or the center of the currently selected image if multiple images are loaded.
  • center mark Color: Click to open a color picker in which you can select a different color for the center mark.

    To avoid confusion, set the center mark to a different color than the reference point.

Serial Section Manager

  • Show current section only: Only the tracing associated with the currently selected section is displayed. You may have multiple sections in the same tracing file while only viewing the tracing of one section at a time.

  • Show suppressed as gray: Enabled when Show current section only is enabled. Displays the contours and markers associated with sections other than the currently selected one in gray.


Adjust settings for text display.


  • Enable timer device: You may find the timer useful when setting up device command sequences.

  • Do not check for new version: Disables the alert about new versions of NeuroInfo software.

  • Use local help system: Check the box to use the offline, rather than the online help system (user guide).

  • Disable SUSS expiration reminder: Check the box to disable reminders that pop up when your NeuroInfo software update subscription service (SUSS) is nearing its expiration date.

  • Diagnostic Data Sharing Settings...: Click the button to choose whether or not you want to allow us to collect diagnostic data about your NeuroInfo software and your computer system.