Save as image
File format & compression
Options for compression vary depending on the file format you selected via Save as type.
For example, if you select the .tif format, you can save the image as an 8-bit instead of the standard 24 bit.
Check the Export the image file box to enable the Export button and the Image Save Options.
Image Save Options
Saves each channel in the image as a separate file. Each filename contains the suffix CH0 and a number (e.g., MBF_CH01.tif).
Only available when you check Save as individual channels. Saves each color channel in the image as a separate file. Each filename contains the suffix _Ch0 and a number (e.g., MBF_Ch01.jp2).
Saving an image displayed in Virtual Image Mode
With Image Save As, you essentially save as a snapshot of the current view of the image supported by the Virtual Image mode.
Only the part of the image that is displayed on-screen is saved and the resolution levels available when saving depend on the zoom level used to display the image. The saved snapshot image exists independently of the virtual image file or data file.
When you select File>Image Save As, the Saving Part of Image window is displayed:
Saving Part of Image: Resolution
The program highlights the resolution that best matches the displayed image, but you can select another resolution from the list. The program saves the snapshot image in the selected resolution.