Virtual Tissue (slide scanning): Setting up a focus map

Now that the acquisition settings are defined, you are ready to create a focus map. Follow the procedure below.


If no focus map is required, and the entire scan can be acquired at the current Z -depth, right-click and select Start Virtual Tissue Scan.
To terminate the focus map setup and return to the tracing window, right-click and select Exit without Scanning.

  1. Once the file name and location have been specified, the contour appears inside a grid .
  2. Create a focus map for each region of interest to be acquired.
  3. Once all the focus sites (i.e., grid cells) have been selected, right-click and select Focus at selected sites.
  4. The stage navigates to each selected site and the Focus Site dialog box opens. Bring the site into focus and click OK .
  5. When all the focus sites have been set, the focus grid is displayed with an interpolated focus map .
  6. To add focus sites, hover the mouse over the desired grid cell, right-click, and select Add to Focus Site List.
  7. Once the focus map is satisfactory, right-click and select Start Virtual Tissue Scan with Pre-Focus. The acquisition process begins.


Acquiring and compiling Virtual Tissue images


See Virtual Tissue Overview

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