You are here: The interface > Menus > Options > Virtual Image Options

Virtual Image Options

Use to adjust navigation speed for images displayed in virtual image mode. Click Options>Virtual Image Options.

Movement resolution

Adjust if you have a slow connection to your server or do not want to see lower resolution regions while the full resolution region is loading.

When you navigate to a different region of the image, the region you want to examine may appear pixelated before being displayed at full resolution. This is because Microlucida is loading a lower resolution version of the region before loading the full resolution. This allows faster response for very large images or images hosted on a Biolucida Cloud server.

Click the Show Options/Hide Options button to display/hide the MacroView and cache options.


MacroView stack loading is set to 3: The view in the Macro View window is refreshed every 3 planes based on the current Z location.

Cache Files


See Virtual Image Mode

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