There are three methods:
There are three possible methods:
To adjust the panning speed, see Movement Resolution.
There are two methods:
To adjust the focusing speed, see Movement Resolution or the Focusing through an image stack seems slow article.
To focus faster at high resolution, see Using Pre-load current view for fast-focusing.
To adjust the refresh rate of the views in Macro View, see MacroView stack loading interval in Macro View.
Click the Grid View button ; up to 4 images appear side-by-side and the browser window is un-docked.
Slides are independent by default; panning and zooming only apply to the current image. To apply panning or zooming to multiple images simultaneously, use the synchronization tool (only available in Grid view).
It is useful to compare images—for example, a before and an after image of the same sample. You can link the images so that any panning or zooming is applied to both images.