In the fast-evolving field of neuroscience, groundbreaking research on the intricate workings of the vertebrate brain yields new information every day. A recent study published in the Journal of Neuroscience describes the establishment of an approach for better contextualization of proteins identified through proteomic analyses to identify candidate proteins for functional validation testing. The authors examined human synaptic processes from well-characterized human post-mortem samples and...

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After decades of identifying brain cells subjectively, researchers can now make use of a standardized classification system for identifying pyramidal cells—the most common type of cells in the neocortex. Scientists at the Blue Brain Project developed the system using mathematics that identify the properties of shapes that stay constant under continuous transformation. This new method of classification gives researchers the ability to begin building a...

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We are pleased to announce that the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF) has endorsed the MBF Bioscience neuromorphological file format as a standard.   The file format is used in our products for neuroscience research for important applications such as digital neuron tracing, brain mapping and stereological analyses. MBF Bioscience products, including Neurolucida, Neurolucida 360, Stereo Investigator, Vesselucida 360, and NeuroInfo use this neuromorphological file format.   This file...

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Scientists at Western Sydney University used Stereo Investigator and Neurolucida 360 to quantify cells in a mouse model of neuroinflammation after feeding mice two different curcumin formulations. Some inflammation is normal in a healthy mammalian brain. But as the brain ages, processes can break down, leading to chronic neuroinflammation. This can develop into Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases.   Scientists at Prof. Gerald Muench’s lab, at...

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Neurolucida 360 Used to Analyze Dendrites and Dendritic Spines Amyloid plaques and tau tangles are the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathology, but synapse loss is what causes cognitive decline, scientists say. In a paper published in Science Signaling, researchers at the Herskowitz Lab, at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, used Neurolucida 360 to analyze spine density and dendritic length in hAPP mice — a...

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Combination of new microscopy and expansion tissue preparation methods facilitate better and faster analysis of subcellular neural elements. Today, the journal Science published a paper authored by a research team led by Dr. Ed Boyden of MIT and Nobel Prize recipient Dr. Eric Betzig of Janelia Research Campus. Among the authors are MBF Bioscience Scientific Director Dr. Susan Tappan and Senior Software Engineer Alfredo Rodriguez. In the...

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MBF Bioscience Williston, VT – January 9, 2019 – MBF Bioscience is pleased to announce our participation in the Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC) program. Funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), this extensive research initiative is a vast collaborative effort, which aims to deepen the understanding of how the peripheral nervous system impacts internal organ function.   “We are honored to be working...

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[caption id="attachment_6839" align="aligncenter" width="632"] Image Courtesy: Bob Jacobs, Ph.D. , Colorado College[/caption]   With the release of its new version on November 28, adds 9,987 new images to its archive, bringing its impressive collection of digitally reconstructed neurons to 80,012.   Scientists used MBF Bioscience’s software, Neurolucida and Neurolucida 360, to reconstruct the majority of these cells. In fact, 64 times more neurons were reconstructed with MBF Bioscience...

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Following a well-designed protocol is essential to achieving accurate and consistent results in scientific research. Now, scientists using Neurolucida 360 for dendritic spine and neuron analysis can follow a published set of guidelines to ensure optimal confocal data series for proper dendritic spine quantification and neuron reconstruction. The paper, written by MBF Bioscience scientists and researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai...

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