MBF Products & Service Solutions

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Free resource for educators and researchers features thousands of downloadable histology slides   Educators and researchers around the world now have free access to a database of whole slide images (also known as virtual slides) for histology and pathology. Featuring thousands of virtual slides contributed by 15 universities, The Virtual Microscopy Database, VMD, (http://www.virtualmicroscopydatabase.org/) is an online resource that allows educators to view and download virtual images...

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[caption id="attachment_6839" align="aligncenter" width="632"] Image Courtesy: Bob Jacobs, Ph.D. , Colorado College[/caption]   With the release of its new version on November 28, NeuroMorpho.org adds 9,987 new images to its archive, bringing its impressive collection of digitally reconstructed neurons to 80,012.   Scientists used MBF Bioscience’s software, Neurolucida and Neurolucida 360, to reconstruct the majority of these cells. In fact, 64 times more neurons were reconstructed with MBF Bioscience...

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[caption id="attachment_6830" align="aligncenter" width="632"] An experimental coronal mouse brain section automatically aligned to the Allen Mouse Brain Reference Atlas[/caption]   Analyzing cellular populations within specific anatomies in brain images requires expertise in both neuroanatomy and cellular identification. This typically involves a scientist comparing experimental images with a reference atlas and manually delineating anatomical regions and marking cell populations within. NeuroInfo®, a revolutionary new technology from MBF Bioscience,...

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  DNA damage occurs in human cells at a constant rate. These cells are usually able to repair themselves, but sometimes deficiencies in certain genes cause the repair process to shut down. When damaged DNA isn't fixed, mutations can occur that cause accelerated aging or cancerous tumors to form (Hoeijmakers, 2009). Scientists at Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam have found a way to slow down...

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Neuroscientists can now analyze the size and complexity of neurons and collect unbiased stereology data with greater speed and efficiency We are happy to announce the release of Neurolucida and Stereo Investigator version 2017. This version features a completely revamped user interface that’s intuitive and easy to navigate.   “Neurolucida and Stereo Investigator version 2017 are completely redesigned to improve the user experience and increase productivity,” said Jack...

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Following a well-designed protocol is essential to achieving accurate and consistent results in scientific research. Now, scientists using Neurolucida 360 for dendritic spine and neuron analysis can follow a published set of guidelines to ensure optimal confocal data series for proper dendritic spine quantification and neuron reconstruction. The paper, written by MBF Bioscience scientists and researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai...

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Astrocytes (GFAP) in the dentate gyrus of a mouse hippocampus. Image courtesy of Dr. Ahmad Salehi, Stanford University.   It is well known that physical exercise eases the symptoms of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease and helps to prevent their onset. Researchers at Stanford University are working on figuring out how it happens.   In their study, published in the journal Brain Structure and Function, scientists in Dr....

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[caption id="attachment_6526" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Representative images of Iba-1+ microglia in the postnatal day 10 rat hippocampus. Image courtesy of Anna Klintsova, PhD.[/caption] Children born with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders face a range of physical and cognitive impairments including long-term deficits in learning, behavior, and immune function. In a paper published in Neuroscience, Dr. Anna Klintsova and her lab at the University of Delaware report that activation...

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Complex imaging and experimental tasks must happen quickly in a smooth workflow so that experiments can be performed within the time constraints imposed by working with behaving animals. ScanImage is the software of choice for controlling your scanning microscopy experiments because it provides robust cutting edge imaging features coupled with the ability to automate and time workflows like no other application can. A key feature...

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The optical fractionator probe was used to quantify the number of neurons and glia in the dentate gyrus   Doctors have used lithium to treat patients with bipolar disorder since the 1970s. Known for its efficacy in stabilizing patients' moods by regulating manic episodes, lithium is also associated with a decreased risk of suicide. But while this naturally occurring element is the most widely prescribed medication for...

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