MBF Products & Service Solutions

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High Resolution scan of brain

Researchers studying structure and function in rat brain can now use NeuroInfo to analyze and register their brain volumes to the Waxholm Rat Brain Atlas Version 4—an open access volumetric atlas of the Sprague Dawley rat brain.   “NeuroInfo already includes extensive analysis capabilities for mouse brain research by standardizing measurements on brain volumes to the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas. The inclusion of a rat atlas in...

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Our health depends on the ability of blood vessels to deliver nutrients and remove metabolic byproducts from organs and muscle systems. But what happens to this delicately balanced process after traumatic injury? Scientists generally understand that skeletal muscles can regenerate, but little is known about how this happens at the level of our microvasculature.   [caption id="attachment_7659" align="aligncenter" width="699"] Representative maps of resistance networks from feed artery...

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Most neuroscientists are familiar with the saying “cells that fire together wire together,” which is often used to summarize the Hebbian theory of synaptic plasticity—first put forth in Donald Hebb’s book The Organization of Behavior in 1949. The theory describes how coincident activity between pre- and post-synaptic cells can shape synaptic strength. Verified decades later, the theory has since become accepted within the neuroscientific community.   However,...

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The heart has a “little brain.” It’s a network of neurons known as the intrinsic cardiac nervous system (ICNS), and it plays a key role in regulating cardiac activity.   Building on previous research (Achanta et al., 2020), which resulted in a 3D map of the rat ICNS, a new study by a team of scientists from the University of Central Florida, Thomas Jefferson University, the University...

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As an unborn baby develops in the womb, its growth depends on a variety of factors, genetics among them. But sometimes a fetus doesn’t grow as much as is normally expected in relation to its gestational age. This is called intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) or fetal growth restriction (FGR)....

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The ability to efficiently acquire large experimental data sets of 2D, 3D and 4D images is advancing rapidly across science. Tools for effectively managing and analyzing this ’big data’ are something that nearly all researchers need. MBF Bioscience has and continues to address this big data need.   Modern imaging devices can produce data sets sized in the TBs. For example, our cutting edge ClearScope light sheet...

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MBF Bioscience is now leveraging how neurons learn in order to improve neuroscience research using microscopy. By incorporating artificial neural networks into MBF Bioscience software, we’re equipping neuroscientists with tools that characterize neuronal populations with unprecedented accuracy and anatomic specificity through entire brain volumes.   In the webinar titled, “Improved detection of c-fos labeled and pyramidal neurons using deep machine learning in NeuroInfo,” Dr. Gerfen, joined by...

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Our state-of-the-art software for performing unbiased stereology is getting an upgrade. Faster, stronger, and better, has been a theme for us lately, as we improve our products across the board, but one place where this is especially striking is in Stereo Investigator.   Set for release this spring, the new and improved Stereo Investigator will include a new imaging engine, display engine, automatic camera alignment, automatic lens calibration, the double disector, and live video zooming.     “I’m...

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For Immediate Release Williston, VT (February 11th, 2021)—MicroDynamixsoftware version 2021 is now available. This state-of-the-art dendritic-spine analysis application enables users to visualize and quantify spine morphology over time using powerful algorithms and detection methods.   Developed with input and support from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the new version of MicroDynamix software makes it easier than ever for neuroscientists to obtain accurate 4D dynamic analyses...

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For Immediate Release  Williston, VT (December 10, 2020) — The ability to image large, intact biological specimens is about to get a whole lot better. Developed in collaboration with Columbia University, MBF Bioscience’s revolutionary light sheet theta microscope system, ClearScope®, has the ability to image whole tissue quickly and gently, in high resolution 3D.     The ClearScope system features a unique, two-axis scanning mode that goes beyond the capabilities of typical...

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