Additional Subject Matter

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Following a well-designed protocol is essential to achieving accurate and consistent results in scientific research. Now, scientists using Neurolucida 360 for dendritic spine and neuron analysis can follow a published set of guidelines to ensure optimal confocal data series for proper dendritic spine quantification and neuron reconstruction. The paper, written by MBF Bioscience scientists and researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai...

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Astrocytes (GFAP) in the dentate gyrus of a mouse hippocampus. Image courtesy of Dr. Ahmad Salehi, Stanford University.   It is well known that physical exercise eases the symptoms of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease and helps to prevent their onset. Researchers at Stanford University are working on figuring out how it happens.   In their study, published in the journal Brain Structure and Function, scientists in Dr....

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MBF Bioscience is sponsoring a new image contest that encourages scientists and artists to share their views of the brain   Williston, VT— The NeuroArt image contest brings together scientists, artists, and neuroscience enthusiasts from around the world to share their view of the brain. Any image of the brain is accepted, including but not limited to microscope images, pencil drawings, and paintings.   Eligible contestants can visit

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The optical fractionator probe was used to quantify the number of neurons and glia in the dentate gyrus   Doctors have used lithium to treat patients with bipolar disorder since the 1970s. Known for its efficacy in stabilizing patients' moods by regulating manic episodes, lithium is also associated with a decreased risk of suicide. But while this naturally occurring element is the most widely prescribed medication for...

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[caption id="attachment_6403" align="aligncenter" width="632"] This figure illustrates the separate and combined effects of acute stress and fear conditioning/extinction on dendritic morphology of pyramidal neurons in the infralimbic region of medial prefrontal cortex. Each neuron shown is a composite made up of apical (blue) and basilar (orange) arbor near the mean of the group. The apical and basilar arbors of each composite are from different neurons....

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The 3 algorithms in Neurolucida 360 were used in combination to create a smooth, accurate reconstruction   Minor releases typically don't include new features, but Neurolucida 360 isn't an ordinary piece of software. Neurolucida 360 v2.7 has many new features and improvements, including: A new automatic tracing algorithm - Rayburst Crawl Capture videos of your rotating neuron reconstructions for presentations and publications New backbone length analysis for dendritic spines Improved handling of images...

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MBF Bioscience announced today that it will open a European Sales and Support office in Delft, the Netherlands. Masha Stern, who has been the Manager of Technical Support and Training at MBF Bioscience headquarters in Vermont for 11 years, will become the Managing Director of MBF Europe. The new office is scheduled to open September 2016.   “Our new European Office is a result of the continually...

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  We continue our history of innovation and invention as the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office awards us two patents. The first is for WormLab - our unique worm tracking software that gives researchers an enormous amount of behavioral data about a single worm or multiple worms, even as they go through omega bends, reversals, and entanglements. The second is for our radial shock wave technology...

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[caption id="attachment_6326" align="aligncenter" width="600"] An immunostained image of myelin basic protein in the cerebella of a mouse brain with an iron-sufficient diet compared with the brain of a mouse exposed to alcohol and fed an iron-insufficient diet. It shows the reduced cerebellar size due to the ID-alcohol combination. Green is MBP immunostain, blue is DAPI for nuclei. Image courtesy of Susan Smith, PhD.[/caption]   If a pregnant...

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Aspiring medical doctors and life science researchers in the U.S. learn histology to understand the cellular organization of tissues and organs. In the past, microscopes were the only equipment available for viewing cells and other microscopic structures in tissue specimens. Now, more and more students are learning histology with virtual microscope slides – high-resolution digital images of tissue specimens that can be viewed on a...

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