Company News

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The brain is one of the most important organs in the human body. It's good to salute it every now and then. Every year, universities, hospitals, schools, government agencies, and an array of other organizations around the globe embark on a campaign to increase awareness about brain research. Established by the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives and the European Dana Alliance for the Brain, Brain...

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Vermont's young scientists showed off their brainpower last month at the state's first Brain Bee. Hosted at the University of Vermont in Burlington, the competition included 19 students from five Vermont high schools. The young scientists answered questions on human neuroanatomy, neurohistology, and patient diagnoses. MBF Bioscience is a proud sponsor of the event.   "It is so important to support the education of young people in...

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  We're pleased to announce that MBF Bioscience has been selected as one of the "Best Places to Work in Vermont" for the third time in a row. The list of fifteen companies is compiled by Best Companies Group in an effort to recognize excellence among state employers. Companies are evaluated based on the benefits they provide and their levels of employee engagement and satisfaction. We'll...

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  If you start smoking as a teen, it’s much harder to quit. University of Vermont Neurobiologist Rae Nishi wants to find out why. And thanks to a $1 million Challenge Grant, Nishi and her team will be able to further study the way adolescent brains react to nicotine.   The grant is one of 200 National Institute of Health grants allocated by the American Recovery and Reinvestment...

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  MBF Bioscience President Jack Glaser appears on the cover of this month's Business People-Vermont magazine. Read the informative feature article "Microscopic Vision" to find out how MBF Bioscience got its start, and how researchers like neuroscientist Henry Markram, are using our products today to make important advances in a range of scientific fields. {Photo by Brad Pettengill, courtesy of Business People-Vermont}...

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At MBF Bioscience, we are committed to delivering innovative products and unrivaled support to our customers and collaborators. Our development team and staff scientists actively engage with leading scientific researchers to develop new technology as they work to further advance the field. Recently, several of our customers worked closely with us to advance virtual slide technology to create high resolution brain atlases and morphometric analyses using...

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Densita, our latest software application, is now available to researchers in labs around the world. Designed as an intuitive application for semi-quantitative and autoradiographic analyses, Densita can work with images from a scanner or a traditional light table and camera system, as well as with image files from other systems, including MCID. Densita allows researchers to quickly and accurately perform receptor binding and mapping studies. "Densita...

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Jack Glaser, president and founder of MBF Bioscience was named the 2007 Vermont Small Business Person of the Year by the US Small Business Administration. Glaser founded MicroBrightField (renamed MBF Bioscience in 2006) with his father, Dr. Edmund M. Glaser in 1987. Their goal was to develop powerful yet affordable neuroanatomical imaging software for the global research community.   Today, MBF software is used by over 1000...

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