Company News

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Suffice it to say, all of us at MBF Bioscience are really looking forward to the SfN in-person meeting in San Diego in November. As the world slowly gets back to holding in-person meetings and gatherings, we’re noticing an important change. At recent events we’ve attended in Europe and the US, it seems all of us are putting even more emphasis, appreciation and importance on face-to-face...

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Greetings, Later this week, I get on a trans-Atlantic flight for the first time in over two years. I’m eager to attend an in-person conference of neuroscientists — and especially to sit face to face, as we discuss about how best to move the next wave of neuroscience forward.   As I’ve been looking forward about how great it is to be back "in real life" with all...

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We are pleased to announce that the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF) has endorsed the MBF Bioscience neuromorphological file format as a standard.   The file format is used in our products for neuroscience research for important applications such as digital neuron tracing, brain mapping and stereological analyses. MBF Bioscience products, including Neurolucida, Neurolucida 360, Stereo Investigator, Vesselucida 360, and NeuroInfo use this neuromorphological file format.   This file...

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MBF Bioscience proudly continues its commitment to neuroscience advances.   A century ago, when neuroscientists were asked about the characteristic properties of a nerve cell (neuron), they answered that neurons are cells in the central nervous system (CNS) characterized by a soma (cell body), processes that receive information from other neurons (dendrites), and a process that sends information to other neurons (axon). This answer has not changed...

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Dear MBF scientific community, As another year comes to a close, we at MBF are thinking of all of you.   We’ll always remember 2021 as the “recalibration year” of the pandemic — vaccines, reopenings, variants, lockdowns coming and going, conferences being held virtually or canceled altogether, social distancing from each other and all of you.   As they say, you don’t know what you miss until it’s gone. And...

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I hope this missive finds all of you healthy and happy. The pandemic continues to interrupt our daily lives, and our ways of working and doing business. I was particularly disappointed about the cancelation of the in-person portion of this year’s Society for Neuroscience conference. I was so looking forward to seeing so many of you in person, there’s just no substitute for being connected...

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What if, instead of trying to zoom in on the nanoscale structures of the brain, we made them bigger? Dr. Edward Boyden and his team at MIT are doing just that. The process, known as expansion microscopy (ExM), physically enlarges brain tissue so that even extremely small molecular structures are viewable on a conventional light microscope.   In his 2016 TED Talk, Dr. Boyden says: “Can we make...

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I suspect many of you are thinking about what “reopening” laboratories and offices post-pandemic might look like. What things could (and should) be done remotely? How will we adjust to our old, and new, social norms? These are questions we’re wrestling with at MBF Bioscience. Here in Vermont, we remain optimistic about beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, even while...

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The ability to efficiently acquire large experimental data sets of 2D, 3D and 4D images is advancing rapidly across science. Tools for effectively managing and analyzing this ’big data’ are something that nearly all researchers need. MBF Bioscience has and continues to address this big data need.   Modern imaging devices can produce data sets sized in the TBs. For example, our cutting edge ClearScope light sheet...

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MBF Bioscience is now leveraging how neurons learn in order to improve neuroscience research using microscopy. By incorporating artificial neural networks into MBF Bioscience software, we’re equipping neuroscientists with tools that characterize neuronal populations with unprecedented accuracy and anatomic specificity through entire brain volumes.   In the webinar titled, “Improved detection of c-fos labeled and pyramidal neurons using deep machine learning in NeuroInfo,” Dr. Gerfen, joined by...

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