MBF Bioscience solutions for core imaging facilities
To help meet the broad range of imaging and quantitative image analysis needs of scientific researchers, MBF Bioscience has developed a number of comprehensive solutions based on our state-of-the-art technology and bundled them into a productivity suite of software for use as a shared resource in core imaging-facilities or large laboratories.
The MBF Bioscience Core-Facility Suite includes our most popular image analysis tools installed on a high-performance Windows workstation at a special reduced price. The Core-Facility Suite software is available as a perpetual software license or as an annual subscription. The bundle includes:
- Neurolucida 360 Studio
- Vesselucida 360
- Stereo Investigator and related editions:
- NeuroInfo
- BrainMaker
- TissueMaker
- MicroFile+
With this comprehensive suite of tools, core facilities can meet the unmet needs of users with image analysis software that exceeds the capabilities of your current software. These tools vastly exceed the performance and capabilities of generalized imaging software that is often found in core facilities. It includes the following:
- Perform unbiased stereological analysis of whole slide images using Stereo Investigator – Whole Slide Edition and offer researchers new ways to use existing whole slide scanners
- Conduct state-of-the-art 3D of neuron and vessel reconstruction to analyze big image data quantitatively using Neurolucida 360 Studio and Vesselucida 360
- Use the latest machine learning to automatically quantify structures in cleared tissue using Stereo Investigator – Cleared Tissue and expand users’ options for light sheet microscopy
MBF Bioscience is your ally in imaging. We also offer the following advanced microscopy solutions:
- Light Sheet Theta Microscopes (LSTM)
- Spinning Disk Confocal microscopes (SDC)
- Whole Slide Scanners
- Multi-Photon software, acquisition boards and microscope add-ons (2P & 3P)
- Scanned Line Angular Projection 2P microscope (SLAP2)
- Structured Illumination Microscopes (SIM)
- Custom designed microscopes for Expansion Microscopy (ExM)
- Custom Network attached storage (NAS) image data storage systems with Biolucida image management software
Request more information |
Contact us at info@mbfbioscience.com or fill out the form above to learn more about our solutions for shared imaging facilities.