Vidrio Technologies is now part of the MBF Bioscience Family
We suspect 2020 will always be remembered as the year of big, unexpected questions.
Questions like, “How will we do our work together if we’re all working from our homes?”
“When will we be able to move around freely again?”
“How quickly will the economy bounce back post pandemic?”
Questions like these have challenged each and every one of us to remain optimistic, curious, and mindful about what the future holds.
Luckily for us, we’re kind of in the “big question” business. It’s one of the many benefits of serving the neuroscience community. We remain in awe of all of the dedicated scientists using our products to unlock the brain’s secrets, discover new insights, and help people around the world. We’re proud of our history within the scientific community, supporting this important work in every way we can.
Albert Einstein said: “In the midst of every crisis lies great opportunity.” It’s something we’ve been thinking about during this time — how can we do even more to help the scientists we work with?
We have some great news to share. We want you to be among the first to know that the people of MBF Bioscience have combined with the people of Vidrio Technologies.
We recognized that together we can do so much more than we could separately. Jointly, our teams are committed to serving the neuroscience community by providing innovative hardware and software tools for research that will help humanity in its understanding of the structure and function of the brain. We are driven to do our part to move our companies, the scientific community, and humanity forward.
We’re excited to show you what great new things we’re going to do next. And that will come in due time. But for now, we want to focus on what won’t change. We’re still committed to developing and improving the products and services you’ve come to depend on; we’re still focused on providing the high quality, responsive support you expect; and we still pledge to do all of this the way we always have, with an empathetic, scientist-first approach.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to either or both of us at the contact numbers below. We continue to rely on you for insight, perspective, and advice about how we can serve you better today, to enable exciting discoveries tomorrow.
Thanks for being part of this amazing journey.
Contact Information:
MBF Bioscience | 1-802-288-9290 | info@mbfbioscience.com
Vidrio Technologies | 1-571-209-4591 | operations@vidriotech.com