New Software Released for Automated Neuron Reconstruction and Analysis
How the brain works and how the brain is affected by disease are mysteries in large part because neurons are so dynamic, numerous, and complex. Neurolucida 360, a revolutionary, new software product from MBF Bioscience, enables neuroscientists to uncover more information about neurons at a faster rate.
“Neurolucida 360 is a technological revolution” says Jack Glaser, President of MBF Bioscience. “It is the state-of-the-art tool for neuroscientists to analyze the shape and connectivity of neurons more quickly and accurately than has ever been possible, so that we can better understand the brain and the mechanisms behind diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. With the unique ability to automatically detect and analyze dendrites, dendritic spines, axons, somas, and synapses, Neurolucida 360 is now the standardized platform for the global neuroscience research community to perform unprecedented investigations into the functioning of the brain.”
Using automated tools in Neurolucida 360, researchers generate high-resolution, digital 3D reconstructions of neurons imaged with numerous microscopy techniques, including light sheet, 2 photon, confocal and brightfield. Using the most advanced algorithms for neuron reconstruction, researchers instantly receive hundreds of analyses about the size, shape, and complexity of neurons. The reliable data from Neurolucida 360 is integral to learning how injury, disease, or chemicals change neuronal structure, discovering how neuronal structure affects function, finding out which brain regions neurons communicate with, and more.
The National Institute of Mental Health provides funding to support the development of Neurolucida 360. It is the latest development in the renowned legacy of neuron tracing tools that started with Neurolucida – the most widely cited tool for neuron reconstruction and analysis.
For more information on Neurolucida 360, please visit our website or watch this short video.