We are at First FALAN Congress in Mexico
Dr. Jose Maldonado, Head of Operations for MBF Bioscience Central and South America is having a busy fall season. After wrapping things up at the Chilean Society for Cell Biology’s Annual Meeting in Puerto Varas, Chile, he’s off to Cancun for the First Congress of the Federation of Latin American and Caribbean Neuroscience Societies.
“MBF America Latina will have a booth at the meeting where I will be demonstrating MBF Bioscience products to the Latin American Neuroscience community,” said Dr. Maldonado. “Additionally, I will be offering a course on biological quantification along with Dr. Suzana Herculano titled ‘Counting cells, synapses and other structures: an introduction to design-based stereology and to the isotropic fractionator.'”
During the free two-day workshop, students will learn about the theory and practice of stereology and its applications in neuroscience. Send an email to Dr. Maldonado at jmaldonado@mbfbioscience.com to reserve a place in the course, and be sure to stop by the MBF Bioscience booth for demonstrations of Stereo Investigator, Neurolucida, WormLab, Biolucida Cloud, Microlucida, AutoNeuron, AutoSpine, and more!
The First Congress of the Federation of Latin-American and Caribbean Neuroscience Societies (Primer Congreso FALAN) takes place Sunday, November 4 – Friday, November 9, in Cancun, Mexico.