Restricting detection and tracking to a specific label

This is useful to eliminate artifacts within the field of view or to decrease tracking time.


  1. In the workflow, follow these steps: Import Image Sequence, Set Sequence Info, Adjust Image, Detect.
  2. Click the icon to open the Label Editor.
  3. Create a label.
    1. Define the area of interest: Select a shape in the Editor then draw the shape in the Image Display window.
    2. Select the Region Mode to indicate whether the Inside or Outside of the shape is the area of interest.
    3. Set a time interval for the label: Enter values for Start Frame and End Frame.

    To analyze the entire image sequence, use the last frame number as the End Frame.

  4. In the workflow / Detect and Track step:
    1. Select the Tracking tab, check Restrict tracking to labeLled region and select the label.
    2. Adjust the tracking parameters as needed and click Start to start tracking.
  5. In the workflow, click the Analyze Data button to display the analyses results.
  6. Select the Label Analysis category.