SPARC vocabulary services

This is available only for SPARC researchers.


The Welcome dialog is displayed when you open a file so that you can gain access to the SciCrunch database to retrieve anatomical terminology lists (or parcellation lists) compliant with FAIR data principles.

Input Subject information about the image and select the Criteria for anatomic termsfrom the drop-down menus (see descriptions under Settings below) then click Begin to:

  • Open the image and save the Subject information metadata to your data file.
  • Retrieve an anatomical terminology list, compliant with FAIR data principles, corresponding to the criteria you specified. The anatomical terms (SPARC terms) will be available in the list of contour, marker, and vessel names that you can use for annotation (segmentation).
  To modify your subject metadata or access another list of anatomic terms from SciCrunch during the session, click the SPARC vocabulary services button in the Trace ribbon.
  To update a data file with the most recent anatomic terms from the SciCrunch database, click the Link Terms button.
  To update multiple data files with the most recent anatomic terms from the SciCrunch database, click the Batch button.



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