Tracing vessels using user-guided mode (3D)

Before you start

  • Open an image stack or single images.

  • Make image adjustments as necessary.

  • Click the 360 icon to open the 3D Environment window.

  • If you're using the 3D Volume view, select Partial projection under Image stack settings in the Change image display panel.

  • Click the Vessel button to display the Trace Vessels panel.

  • Select User-guided as the Tracing Mode.

Tracing options in User-guided mode

Tracing a vessel

To undo your last click, press CTRL-Z.

  1. Choose options. We recommend the following:

    • Select Pan to window center after each click to avoid having to pan manually to move the view as you trace. (To pan manually, press SHIFT and drag.)

    • Uncheck Place ending using right-click to display the right-click menu when you right-click.

    • Select a method for tracing (see About the user-guided tracing methods section below).

  2. Enter the width of a typical vessel in Typical process width under the heading User-guided tracing options.

  3. Trace the first vessel:

    1. Place the cursor over the area of the vessel where you want to place the first point. When zoomed in, you see the red cursor and a circle. The circle diameter represents the segment width detected.

    2. Click to place the first point. A sphere represents the first point.

    3. Hover over the vessel. A series of circles is displayed, representing the path detected by the software.

    4. Continue to click along the vessel to place more points.

    5. When the vessel is no longer visible, move one of the partial projection sliders to reveal more of the vessel and continue tracing.

    6.  Click to place the last point. This may be the point where a loop closes.

    7. Right-click once to end the vessel. If you selected Place ending using right-click, you won't see any right-click menu.

      When the vessel is effectively ended, you can see a sphere at the end of the vessel or partial spheres along the vessel as you hover, and the vessel count is updated.

  4. Connecting to an existing vessel (once you've traced at least one vessel):

    1. Start tracing another vessel: click to place points along the vessel.
    2. As you approach a potential connection point on the other vessel, the circles' color changes to reflect the color of the existing traced vessel.
    3. Click to connect.
  5. Resuming the tracing of a vessel when you've already traced and ended (with a right-click) a vessel:

    1. Hover over the point on the vessel where you want to resume tracing. You should see a sphere or a partial sphere displayed over the tracing.
    2. Click.
    3. Resume tracing.

See Tracing vessels using automatic mode (3D) and Tracing vessels in smart manual mode (3D)