Tracing contours (3D)

See also Tracing contours (2D) and Selecting and editing contours (2D) to place and modify contour shapes in the Main (2D) window.


  1. In the Main Vesselucida 360 window, Trace ribbon, select the contour type that you want to draw, i.e., Freehand, Circle, or Square.
  2. In the 3D environment, click the Contour button.

    The image will be displayed as an image slice, rather than as a 3D volume.

  3. Click a contour type from the list to select it.

  4. (optional) To change the names of the contour types, click the small cog icon on the ribbon to open the Contour Settings window.

  5. Navigate to the desired area by selecting the view (XY, XZ, or YZ) and dragging the slider.
  6. Begin to draw contours as follows, depending on the contour type selected in step 1.

    • Freehand contour: Start clicking around the area of interest to trace the contour. You can continue to navigate through the image planes using the sliders and click as needed. Right click to close/end the contour.

    • Draw Circle: Click in the center of the contour you want to draw and click again to indicate the outer edge of the circular contour.

    • Draw Square: Click one corner of the contour you want to draw and click again at the opposite corner of the square contour.

To edit contours in the 3D environment, click to select the contour, then click the Edit button; see Editing contours (3D).