Depth Filter (Z Filter)

Use Tools>Depth Filter to access the Orthogonal View window.

If you are working in 3D, the Orthogonal View is a useful supplement to the standard view because it enables you to view your tracing from the side, along the X,Z axes or the Y,Z axes .

The Depth Filter and the Z Filter are the same thing: they are used to display a specific Z range.


Zoom in | Zoom out | Zoom to fit (fits the entire tracing in the Orthogonal View window)

  • Click on a point you want to see in the center of the Orthogonal View window.
  • Select one of these two icons to view your tracing along the X,Z or Y, Z axis.

Only displays the area within the range you defined (i.e., between the upper and the lower Z).

The range is highlighted in green on the right. You can adjust it manually by dragging the arrows.

Useful when a tracing becomes cluttered in the viewing field, with tracings of neuronal elements with different Z coordinates overlaying one another.

Only displays the area within the range you defined. The range is defined symmetrically, which means that the current Z is defined as the mid-range; half of the range is above the current Z, half of the range is below the current Z.


Example: If Z=0 and Range=100, the range is between Z=-50.0 and Z=50.0.


The range is highlighted in green on the right. You can adjust it manually by dragging the arrows.