Rotate tracing

Move>Align tracing>Rotate tracing rotates selected objects clockwise or counterclockwise about the reference point. This feature is useful for graphically aligning serial sections or for aligning data with a tissue section that has been placed on the microscope again. The tracing dynamically rotates as you press the directional arrows, letting you see the progress of the rotation.

  • If File>Preferences>Display preferences>View>Show Current Section Only is enabled, the program rotates only the data belonging to the current section.
  • Unlike other editing modes, even when Show Current Section and Show Suppressed As Gray are enabled, the suppressed section data shown in gray is NOT rotated. This allows aligning of the tracing of the current section with previous section data.
  • Hidden objects in the current section, or in any section if Show Current Section Only is not enabled, are rotated along with the visible objects.