Preferences: Markers

Most of these options are also available when you right-click the Marker toolbar.

Marker Sizing

The minimal display size for a marker is 1px.

Marker list

  • Marker Name: Each marker is originally assigned a default name. To assign a different name to a marker, highlight the current name and type in the new one. The name of the marker is used in all subsequent reports. For example, if three markers are renamed to neuron, glial cell and blood vessel, instead of seeing the number of Marker 1, Marker 2, etc. in a report, the report states the number of neurons, glial cells, blood vessels, etc.
  • Hidden: Hides all markers of a given type (see Hidden Objects).
  • All VisibleAll hidden markers are displayed.
  • None Visible : All markers are hidden.
  • Set ColorSelect a marker symbol before using this button. Changes the color used to display the markers of the selected type.
  • Default Colors: Restores the default colors for each marker type.


Also see Using Markers