Open data file


Opens an existing data file.

Go to File > Open and click Data File.


When opening a data file, choose from these options:

  • Merge: Check the box to merge the data file currently open with the file you are opening. If you choose this option, Close Currently Open Images and New Reference Point become unavailable
  • Close Currently Open Images: Check the box to close any open images before opening the selected data file.
  • New Reference Point: When the box is checked, you must place a new reference point to open the data file.
  • Load Images with Data File: Check the box to load images associated with the data file.

Compatible file formats

Data files in the following formats are compatible with MBF Bioscience software:

  • XML (Extensible markup language) files (.xml)
  • MBF binary files (.dat)
  • NRX (Neurolucida Explorer data) files (.nrx)
  • MBF Bioscience ASCII files (.asc)
  • Biolucida Cloud files (.blc)