Match points

Move>Align tracing>Match points is useful for:

  • aligning serial sections
  • aligning data with a tissue section that has been placed on the microscope again

Match points changes the alignment of all existing sections (hidden and visible) to match the current section. Use Match section for single sections.


Re-aligning a tracing with the section it was traced from is an issue if the section is oriented differently on the microscope.


Match points allows you to specify anywhere from 1 to 99 point pairs to be used to line up existing tracings with a live or an acquired image. If two or more point pairs are specified, the Match points algorithm performs an optimal rotation and translation of the tracing overlay to align the tracing with the image of the new section. The match between consecutive points that you choose is the result of a least square error technique based on the X,Y coordinates of the chosen points.


See Match section for single sections