Fractionator formulas
: Particles counted
: Area sampling fraction
: Section sampling fraction
- s2: Variance due to noise
Particles counted
- n: Number of sections used
TotalVar = s2 + VARSRS
- VARSRS: Variance due to SRS
- s2: Variance due to noise
- TotalVar: Total variance
- s2: Variance due to noise
- m: Number of sections
- ti : Section thickness at site i
- Qi: Particles counted
- f: Number of counting frames
: Total possible sampling sites
: Estimated variance
: Average particles counted
- Qi: Particles counted
- f: Number of counting frames
- f: Number of counting frames
- Qi: Particles counted
: Average particles counted
- Cfp: Finite population correction
: Estimated variance
- f: Number of counting frames
: Total possible sampling sites
- Cfp: Finite population correction
: Estimated variance
- f: Number of counting frames
- Q1i: Counts in sub-sample 1
- Q2i: Counts in sub-sample 2
- n: Size of sub-sample
- R: Number of counting spaces
- S: Number of sections
: Counts in the “r”-th counting space
: Counts in the “s”-th section
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