Image Volume Spaceballs workflow >

1. Set up the subject


Subject Information

Type your name, the subject name, and any other information that you think will be helpful in the future.

Sampling Parameters

Use an existing sampling configuration? Choose yes or no to use a previously saved sampling configuration or not.

If yes, click the browse icon. In the Sampling Parameter Chooser window, highlight the parameter set you wish to use and click OK.

Virtual section settings

  • Total height of image volume and Distance between image planes are automatically identified.
  • set Top(bottom) of roi: Distance between the top(bottom) of the tissue and the top(bottom) of the virtual section.

To set the top or bottom of the region of interest (ROI), scroll the mouse wheel to focus through the section then click the SET TOP (BOTTOM) button.

  • Number of virtual sections: Number of actual sections you will count for this subject.
  • Virtual section thickness: Actual virtual section height (takes the "top" distance into account), automatically calculated.
  • Sphere radius: Represents the height of the volume that you are going to count within the optical section.